Category: Uncategorized

  • Best Practices for Successfully Working Remotely

    Best Practices for Successfully Working Remotely

    These days, it isn’t always necessary to commute to work every day. More and more people are working from home, or from any location where they can have access to the Internet. Last year 43% of Americans spent some time working remotely — a stat likely to increase steadily as younger generations enter the workforce.…

  • Steps to Create Perfect Business Plan

    Steps to Create Perfect Business Plan

    You probably heard the statistic, “95% of businesses fail within the first 3 years.” And the reason why this happens is because people are still using old-fashioned business plans. They no longer work in 2018 or in the present. There’s a new way of approaching business in the modern era. You cannot learn how to do it from…

  • Startup Idea Already Taken

    Startup Idea Already Taken

    You come up with a new business idea and head over to Google to do your research, only to find that there are already about 10 other people doing what you thought was a unique idea. The truth is, no matter what you come up with, your idea will almost always be taken. But, many…

  • How to build a successful Team

    How to build a successful Team

    Ever wondered how some work sections exhibit effective teamwork and others remain dysfunctional always? Effective teamwork is both profoundly simple and difficult at the same time. This is why so many teams struggle to get the relationships, the interaction, task execution and to top it all the work environment right. Their success depends on these…



    Orshel is a Lean thinking organization and Orshel refers Lean to both economical and time-efficient use of factors of production resources, personnel, materials, planning, and organization in the context of all company activities. Lean is a customer-centric methodology used to continuously improve any process through the elimination of waste in everything you do; it is…

  • Can You Build A Successful Startup Part-time? Then How?

    Can You Build A Successful Startup Part-time? Then How?

    Is it possible to launch and run a successful startup while you work at a full-time job? The answer is usually NO; but it is not that nobody has done that successfully. Being an entrepreneur is a brilliant idea. However, since you start from the very beginning, you may want to keep your current job as…

  • How to Get More Facebook Likes

    How to Get More Facebook Likes

    Today, Facebook is definitely the best place when it comes to putting forth your brand in front of a large audience at minimum expenses. But ever since the organic reach of Facebook updates has gone down the drain, businesses are required to put extra efforts to reach their target audience. Every brand on Facebook is…

  • Trademarks, Why it’s Important & Trademark Infringement

    Trademarks, Why it’s Important & Trademark Infringement

    Establishing a strong brand is pivotal to business success. Protecting that brand is equally important. Yet many small businesses overlook an important first step in securing their brand: trademarks.  It’s difficult to place a value on an intangible asset like Intellectual property, particularly when it’s a business’s trademark. Yet that asset may actually be the…

  • Traits of Great Co-founders in Startup

    Traits of Great Co-founders in Startup

    After coming up with an idea for a company, it is important to consider having a partner. Going alone isn’t bad at all if you are good at both skill-sets of building and selling, it works too. However, if you decide to get a partner who brings in a complimentary skill set that you lack,…

  • Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make in Startup

    Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make in Startup

    Starting a business is not that easy, as it may seem on the surface. While launching a startup can be even more challenging. Apart from the fact that startup launch is a long and winding road, the majority of entrepreneurs have little to no earlier experiences in the business world. Except for an awesome idea,…