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How to Get More Facebook Likes
Today, Facebook is definitely the best place when it comes to putting forth your brand in front of a large audience at minimum expenses. But ever since the organic reach of Facebook updates has gone down the drain, businesses are required to put extra efforts to reach their target audience.
Every brand on Facebook is for one reason — to (eventually) get more business. But getting more business from Facebook means different things to different types of businesses. Different brands will have different objectives, such as driving in-store sales, increasing online sales, launching a new product, building awareness, or promoting a mobile app. Regardless of the objective, there are a few steps that happen before Facebook fans can turn into real business. You have to first build an audience on Facebook, then drive inbound traffic to your website, then turn that traffic into qualified leads, and then nurture those leads into customers.
Here are few ways to get more Facebook likes on your page.
- Fill out your Facebook Page with searchable information.
To grow your number of Facebook fans, every section of your page should include content that’s relevant and helpful, but also searchable. Remember: All of the content on your page will be indexed by search engines, helping you attract more Fans to your page.
By no means you should go on a keyword-stuffing spree — but you should spend time optimizing each section of your page with keywords appropriate for your business.
For example, once you’ve created your Facebook Page, make sure the About section of your page includes:
- An overview of what your business has to offer
- A link to your website
- Any other information that will help prospects understand your business better
- Create Catchy Call to Action for Your Facebook Business Page
One of the coolest things about Facebook Business page is that it allows you to add a Call to Action right on the cover page. It helps followers to instantly know what you want them to do and also evokes them to take that action when they visit your page. Facebook offers a bunch of most common CTA button options, which brands can select from as per their targeting. And it is obvious that if a brand mentions at the top what they are expecting their audience to do – for example “Contact us” or “Visit website”, etc., there is higher probability that the audience would click on the button. You can also go a little creative with the cover image to drag visitors’ attention to your CTA.
Besides the cover image area, there is another way to add call to action on Facebook, which is simply through your updates. Just make your updates in such a manner that they ask users for an action.
3. Choose an engaging cover photo & recognizable profile picture
You’ll need to pick an attractive cover photo. Since your cover photo takes up the most real estate above the fold on your Facebook Page, make sure you’re choosing one that’s high-quality and engaging to your visitors. You have to pick a profile picture that’s easy for your audience to recognize — anything from a company logo for a big brand, to a headshot of yourself if you’re a freelancer or consultant. Being recognizable is important to getting found and Liked, especially in Facebook Search. It’s what shows up in search results, pictured at the top of your Facebook Page, the thumbnail image that gets displayed next to your posts in people’s feeds … so choose wisely.
- Include Facebook Like Button on your Website and Blog.
Making your Facebook Page as discoverable as possible includes promoting your Facebook presence using the marketing channels you already have, and removing any barriers for existing contacts to like your page. If you have a website or blog, use Facebook’s various social plugins to get people to ‘Like’ your page without having to go over to
Want to see it in action? Go ahead and like Orshel Facebook Page by clicking the button below. 😉
- Invite Existing Contacts & Employees to Like your Page.
You already have friends, family, employees and existing customers who would be more than willing to connect with your business on Facebook. All you need to do is ask. Whether in person, via email, or via Facebook, try asking for Likes and positive reviews. Just be cautious about over-promoting to uninterested connections. Employees are your strongest and most effective brand them to like the official Facebook Page. Then, encourage them to share, Like, and comment on the content your team posts on Facebook, too. Employees who really want to share the love might include a link to your Facebook Page in their email signatures or on their personal social media profiles.
You can also encourage existing connections to become fans by making it more likely that they’ll see a suggestion on Facebook to like your page. How? You’ll have to upload a list of emails to Facebook, and those from that list who are on Facebook will be made more likely to see a suggestion to like your page in places like “Recommended Pages.” Your contacts who aren’t on Facebook won’t see this suggestion. You can upload a maximum of 7,000 contacts per day per page — and a maximum of 5,000 contacts at a time.
- Cross promote on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Add a link to your Facebook Page on your business’s Twitter and LinkedIn profiles (and your personal profile, for that matter). Tweet about your Facebook Page occasionally to encourage your Twitter followers and LinkedIn connections to stay in contact with you on another network.
Add your Twitter link to your Facebook Page, and occasionally tweet about your Facebook Page. Don’t stop with Twitter and Facebook; you could also cross-promote on LinkedIn, Flickr, YouTube, etc. Just be sure that your cross promotions are sparing and strategic — you don’t want to spam the other audiences that you’ve worked so hard to develop.
7. Determine the ideal timing and frequency for your posts.
An important consideration in your Facebook content strategy should be how frequently you post, and when. If you don’t post frequently enough, you won’t look as reliable or authentic — after all, how much faith do you put in a brand that hasn’t updated its Facebook Page for several months? Post too often, however, and people might get sick of having their feeds flooded with your content.
Like any other online content, it can help you establish a schedule for when you share particular posts according to season or general popularity. You’ll probably have to adjust your calendar several times, especially in the earliest stages of setting up your Page, since you’ll want to check the performance of your updates in your Facebook Insights (which you can navigate to via the tab at the very top of your page). Once you’ve observed popular times and other analytics for your first several posts, you can tailor your posting frequency and strategy accordingly.
- Follow the 70-20-10 Rule
It is a rule that has been widely tested and has produced great results for marketers. The rule defines content sharing strategies that brands should follow to get best results when promoting themselves on most social media channels. Here’s how you should plan out your posting on social media channels according to this rule:
70% post should be about trending topic and other eye-catching posts within your niche,
20% should be shared content, originally published by someone else but relevant to your followers, and
10% should be promotional posts describing a service or product that you offer
It is proven that the best way to gather followers on social media is to share unique content which the audience would also want to share. If we analyze the 70-20-10 rule closely, it is clear the rule implicitly incorporate the practice of sharing new & unique content.
- Post valuable content
The best way to increase your following on Facebook is by treating your fans like people — and that means consistently delivering content that is valuable to them. Delivering value really comes into play with the content you create and share with your fans, and how you interact with them. (More on that here: How to Attract Customers With Facebook). It’s all about building long-term relationships with your Facebook fans. They might not remember one individual post to Facebook, but if they notice you consistently publish high quality, helpful, and relevant posts to Facebook, they’ll think of you as a valuable resource.
- Share More Native Video
Have you noticed that when you open your Facebook newsfeed nowadays, it is mostly filled with video content rather than pictures or text statuses? Facebook prioritizes video content in newsfeeds, especially, the videos that have been directly uploaded to Facebook (native videos) rather than videos shared from a different source like YouTube.
A recent study by Quintly also suggests that Facebook native videos perform better than other shared videos: they get 110% more interaction and get 478% more shares. So, it is obvious that brands on Facebook should work upon making video content that trigger sharing to reap the maximum benefit of this large online community.
Some of the proven tactics in this regard include – sharing event videos, behind the scene clips, product launch videos, sharing videos DIY tips, emotional videos, challenges, etc.
- Be active.
Getting more Facebook Likes isn’t just about profile optimization and an initial push. To continue growing steadily, you need to maintain an active, ongoing presence. Not only does this mean posting educational, insightful content on a regular basis, but it also means monitoring your presence and interacting with your fans. Ask questions, answer questions, and participate in discussions with those posting on your page. Comments are important, you can monitor and respond to comments via the ‘Notifications’ tab at the very top of your page. While it may not be necessary to respond to every single comment you receive, you should definitely monitor the conversations happening there especially to stay on top of potential social media crises.
- Make the Most of Facebook Live
Facebook Live – the live streaming service – is a powerful tool, which marketers have been using for many a purpose. Besides sharing whatever can be shared through native videos, there is much more that brands can do with live videos to connect with their Facebook followers – such as, sharing videos featuring influencers (celebrities of your field), sharing live event clips (and other places you know your audience want to be but can’t be), running reoccurring live Q&A & chat sessions, and so on.
However, when planning to go Live for the first time, there are certain things that a brand needs to keep in mind. First and foremost, they should be active during the live video session to make the experience interactive, thus, engaging for the audience. Secondly, although live videos, by nature are unscripted & casual, they shouldn’t be unplanned altogether. To make the most of this cool feature, you need to do a little bit of planning to ensure you are able to really connect with your audience whenever you go live.
13. Pin important posts to the top of your page.
When you post new content to your Facebook Page, older posts get pushed farther down your Timeline. But sometimes, you might want a specific post to stay at the top of your page for longer — even after you publish new updates. To solve for this, Facebook offers the ability to “pin” one post at a time to the top of your page. You can use pinned posts as a way to promote things like new lead-gen offers, upcoming events, or important product announcements.
- Expand Your Reach with Facebook Ads
By default, the organic reach of Facebook posts is extremely poor (except for videos, as discussed earlier). That’s why most marketers have to turn to Facebook Ads to actually gain a good reach on the platform. However, when you start advertising on Facebook, you need to first clearly outline your target audience, and also have a plan of action at hand; otherwise, your ads would only be flying blind with no clear direction amid this online community of 2 billion+ users.
The best way to achieve effective targeting with your Facebook ads is to think backward from your goal – whether you want maximum engagement on your page or maximum conversion for your product/service or anything else? After you have determined the objective, it becomes quite simple to define your target audience, and decide the budget & timings of the ads. Apart from that, most importantly, your advertisements should be creative enough to catch attention & get some shares.
15. Measure the success of your Facebook efforts.
You can access your Facebook Page Insights via the tab at the top of your page. You can dig into your Page’s Insights, which allow you to track Facebook-specific engagement metrics. And based on the metrics you can revive your Facebook strategy.
In case you feel that Orshel team have left out something important in regard to Facebook marketing, feel free to write in the comment section below. We would love to discuss that.
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